Eating monotonous food can get boring. This happens to pets as well. Give them
variety in a week that too something that is tasty and healthy. Fishes also have
this option of varying their food a bit. A little tweak here and there will not
affect their healthy; instead it will make them happier. Freeze dried bloodworm
is something that fishes relish. This food can be given to them sparingly 2-3
times a week and this completes their food. Freeze dried bloodworms given
nutritional supplement to the fishes and are extremely rich in protein.
This food is available in 20g, 40g and 80g. Buy how much ever you need and start
feeding your fishes this food. It will give them lot of protein and make them
healthy. The price varies as per the size of the pack you buy. Do make freeze
dried bloodworm part of your fishes diet, to give them something more tasty and
vary their food menu.