Planning to start your business the right way in 2022? moLotus
Lets you generate new revenue streams in 2022 via breakthrough
Mobile video advertising, customer process innovation, ARPU & CLV
Enhancements, and much more.
The inception of moLotus, a breakthrough mobile video customer
Interaction platform, is a result of Novosol’s initiative to
Benefit brand advertisers and telco partners, with an emphasis on
Innovation and customer engagement.
The platform offers diverse breakthrough capabilities - digital
Transformation, automation, big data analytics, hyper-
Personalization, interactivity, rich media formats, online
Campaign & revenue management, direct inbox delivery, all phone
Playability, scalability and more. Best of all, no app and no
Data is needed. Create performance-oriented campaigns for
Upselling, cross-selling, lead generation, customer
Communication, brand awareness and more. Innovate your customer
Processes uplifting ARPU and CLVM. Connect with us today to
Explore how we can work together to help you. To know more, visit
video advertising, Advertising Platform, Marketing Platform, Mobile Marketing, digital advertising, direct marketing, marketing, Mobile advertising, m