At Advanced Design Innovations, we design, fabricate and install
Engineering solutions for Architects and Builders in the high end
Commercial & residential market. We have developed versatile
Steel products with a large range of applications in commercial
And residential architecture. Our products solve frequently
Encountered problems in unique and elegant ways. Specialising in
Retrac Louvres, Automated Bi-Fold Screens and Pivot Panels.
Generally, our clientele are Architects who are looking for that
Signature element in their project but need someone like us who
Can step in and do the job when no-one else either can or wants
To! If you are an Architect, a Builder, an Interior Designer or
The like, or you just have your own personal project where you
Want something “GRAND” and/or “AUTOMATED” in your home, then
Contact the sales team to discuss your ideas further.
16 Moloney Drive Wodonga VIC 3690
02 6024 1888