Washing your Clothes is one of the Most Basic Yet Cumbersome Household Chores that Just Have to be Done. No Matter how many Clothes you have, you need to Wash Them for Sure. Washing Clothes Manually is a Difficult and Time Taking Process, Especially for the Working People. But how about a Washing Machine Taking Care of your clothes by soaking, rinsing and spinning them dry? The modern washing machines are well-equipped to do all that. Snapdeal offers you a wide choice of washing machines from the international brands, such as IFB, Samsung, LG, Whirlpool, Electrolux, Godrej and more. Choose from Fully-Automatic, Semi-Automatic and Top-Loading or Front Loading Washing Machines, as per your Needs and Budget. While Semi-Automatic Machines need your Involvement in the Clothes Washing Process, the Fully-Automatic Machines are Completely Independent and take care of the whole washing process themselves. Simplify your clothes washing chores with the help of washing machines today. Post Free Listings on Whirlpool Washing Machine, LG Washing Machine, Front Loading Washing Machine, Haier Washing Machine, Bosch Washing Machine, Top Loading Washing Machine, Best Washing Machine, Buy Washing Machine, Whirlpool Washing Machines. Click To View Present Classifieds